Land partitioning is a division of one plot merging of several parcels. Plot division is the creation of two or more plots from one plot. Plot merging is the creation of one parcel from two or more plots that have the same legal status regarding property and other property rights. We can only merge parcels that lie within the same cadastral municipality. With the merger and division of parcels, new plots are created with new parcel numbers.
When land partitioning?
Land partitioning is required when:
- you want to buy, sell or exchange only part of the plot
- you inherit only part of the parcel or want to divide the land among the heirs
- you want to combine several smaller plots into one single
- co-owners want to split their co-ownership precisely, as determined by the co-owner’s share
- you want to buy another part of the property
- you want to separate the building plot from the agricultural land
- you want to assign a different legal status to the part of the parcel
- you want to determine the boundary of length objects (roads, railways, watercourses etc.)
- this is required by an act of a state body or an authority of a self-governing local community (e.g. a town-planning scheme)
Why land partitioning is needed?
Land partitioning is necessary when you want to enter into legal transactions with your real estate, such as sale, purchase, exchange or mortgage credit.
See other services from the group Land Cadastre
- Boundary Determination and Registration
- Land Partitioning
- Land under the Building Determination and Registration
- Boundary Marking
- Boundary Adjustment
- Boundary of Length Objects Determination
- Positional Accuracy Improvement of Land Cadastre Spatial Data
- Land Consolidation
- New Land Cadastre Measurement
- Land Plot Identification